The winter months are not a welcoming time of year for sicknesses. While the flu usually reigns supreme this time every year, COVID-19 is not backing down. To do our best at avoiding a “twindemic,” it’s important to follow necessary health-safety precautions like wearing a mask in public and social distancing. If you do happen to get sick this year, how do you know if it’s with the flu or COVID-19? Read on →

We all know that seeing the sunshine makes us feel happier, and rainy days tend to bring on the gloom. So, as the winter months are quickly approaching, be mindful that it is still important to get some sunshine even if it’s a little cold outside! The importance of exposure to the sun is not just skin-deep, but it is actually scientifically proven to be beneficial! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood gives some insight into sunlight’s benefits for depression and how to get it even in the winter. Read on →

Mask-related acne, or “maskne,” has become a new pest to the faces of many Americans this year. Even though masks are effective helpers in slowing the spread of COVID-19, they are inconvenient to wear at times and can do a number on your facial skin. Why do masks cause our faces to break out, and is there a way we can stop it from happening? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood provides some helpful answers. Read on →

Everyone wants to look their best and maintain a healthy weight. The problem with actually looking your best and staying trim, though, is that it takes some effort. Additionally, there are endless weight-loss programs and tactics out there, so it can be difficult to know where to start. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood provides some sustainable weight-loss tips below. Does Dieting Work? While diets will usually yield impressive initial results, recent studies have shown that most diets, regardless of the type, will lead to weight loss and lower blood pressure, but these desired effects largely disappear after a year. Read on →

Got the sniffles again? Don’t worry, it’s common. As many of us know, the spring season is notorious for bringing about bad allergies. What we might not realize, however, is that fall allergies are just about as common. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood gives you the scoop on fall allergies. What Causes Fall Allergies? The two biggest culprits are ragweed and mold. Ragweed pollinates for hundreds of miles and irritates the sinuses of many people. Read on →

Many American adults spend over 11 hours a day looking at a screen. That includes computers, phones and television. While a lot of that time is necessary for many jobs, it can actually have some negative effects on your health. AFC Urgent Care Greenwood provides the scoop below. How Do I Know If I’m Spending Too Much Time on a Screen? Looking at a screen and not allowing time for your own thoughts has become automatic for most of humanity. Read on →

One of the most frustrating feelings in the world is not being able to sleep. We all have had times when we’ve woken up feeling rested and rejuvenated, so when you get into a funk to where you can’t sleep and your bed becomes your enemy, it’s the worst. There have to be ways to reverse the curse and get good, consistent sleep, right? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood provides some helpful info and tips so you and your bed can become friends again. Read on →

While the CDC always recommends that nearly everyone older than 6 months receive their flu shot each year, with continuing COVID-19 concerns as we move into fall and winter, many people are left wondering if this is still sound advice. If you have questions about the flu shot, you are in the right place. Your AFC Urgent Care of Greenwood team has assembled everything you need to know about getting your flu shot this year and beyond. Read on →

Burnout—it’s a word we hear often these days. But would you recognize the symptoms in yourself or a loved one? While it’s not a medical condition, burnout can have major effects on your health. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team shares some tips for how to stay balanced and avoid burnout. What Does Burnout Feel Like? That’s a good question! Burnout may look and feel slightly different in each person, but there are some overlapping characteristics. Read on →

Did you know? As of 2019, more than a 27% of U.S. teens were using vapes, also known as electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes. Just under 3% of adults vape. People turn to vapes for many reasons. They may be attracted to the many flavors available. They may like the possibility of using a vape in a “no smoking” setting. Especially for adults, they may hope to quit smoking cigarettes by turning to vapes. Read on →