Mono, or infectious mononucleosis, is most common among teens and young adults. It is typically spread through direct contact with bodily fluids, like saliva, which has caused the illness to be affectionally named “the kissing disease.” Although mono is contagious, it’s not as contagious as other viruses, like the common cold. However, it’s important to be aware of it and its symptoms. Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team shares some helpful info about mono below, so keep reading! Read on →

Over the past several weeks, you’ve likely heard of “breakthrough” cases and infections more than you did in 2021. This is due to the emergence of the omicron variant, which is more elusive than previous variants. Although breakthrough cases have become more common, there is lots of evidence supporting the efficacy of vaccines and booster shots. Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team provides more explanation on breakthrough infections and why it’s still important to be vaccinated below, so keep reading! Read on →

It’s safe to assume you’re aware that viruses are more prevalent during the winter months, but do you know why or what causes this rise in viral activity? Continue reading for some helpful explanations from our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team. Why Do Viral Infections Become More Common in the Winter? The cold temperature is one of the most common explanations for the increase in viral illnesses. While cold weather does not increase the quantity of viruses, it does make it more difficult for our bodies to fight them. Read on →

Croup is terrible to experience for all those involved. It causes a horrible-sounding cough and can cause your little one to feel quite under the weather, so how can you keep your child from getting this nasty yet treatable respiratory infection? Continue reading for some helpful answers from our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team! What Should I Know About Croup? Croup is a viral upper respiratory infection that primarily affects children ages 3 months to 5 years old. Read on →

Yes, it is! Strep throat is a common bacterial infection—especially among young children and adolescents. It often spreads during the winter when kids are at school, but it’s preventable and highly treatable. Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team further highlights strep throat below, so keep reading. What Is Strep Throat? Strep throat is caused by bacteria called group A streptococcus. It’s contagious, and it most spreads by inhaling airborne droplets that contain the bacteria, but it can also be spread by coming in contact with the bacteria, too. Read on →

Yes, the flu is a virus, which means it will technically need to run its course before you can feel better. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything in the meantime to feel better, though! Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team provides some helpful info on the flu and its home treatments below, so keep reading! What Is the Flu? The flu is a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. Read on →

Recently, the CDC OK’d the COVID-19 vaccine for children 5 years old and older. This is great news as it’s an important step in helping the U.S. reach herd immunity from the virus. If you are planning to take your kids to get the COVID-19 vaccine, it might be a good idea to have them vaccinated for the flu as well. The CDC has deemed it safe for kids to receive both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time. Read on →

Did you know? About one in three people will develop shingles at some point in their lives, and estimated 1 million people get this virus each year. Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team provides further important information on shingles below, so read on! What Is Shingles? Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox. Read on →

It’s possible to treat and limit eczema “flare-ups,” but there sadly isn’t a known cure for this bothersome skin condition. Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team further elaborates on eczema below, so keep reading! What Exactly Is Eczema? Eczema—medically known as atopic dermatitis—is a condition that makes your skin red and itchy. It tends to be most common among children, but it can affect people at any age. Most forms of eczema are chronic and will flare up periodically. Read on →

Feeling nauseous but don’t know what to do about it? Thankfully, there are lots of things you can do at home to feel better! Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team shares some helpful ways you can battle a bout of nausea below, so keep reading. How Does Nausea Affect My Body? There are two centers in the brain that can trigger nausea symptoms. The first center is the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), which responds to chemical inputs from medication and hormones. Read on →