What Do I Need to Know About Self-Care?

Yes, it’s true that “self-care” is another one of those trendy phrases, but the fact that it’s trendy doesn’t make it any less of a good habit. In fact, healthy self-care practices can be extremely beneficial for both your physical and mental health!

Our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood explains why you should consider adding some self-care activities into your weekly schedule below, so keep reading!

What Makes Self-Care a Healthy Habit?

Taking time for self-care most obviously benefits your mental health. Healthy self-care habits (which we list later on) help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness and increase your energy, which are all extremely beneficial to your overall health.

When you don’t take time to allow for rest in your life, stress levels and the pressure from family, work and what you see on social media can become overwhelming. We’ve listed some negative effects a lack of self-care can have on your life below.

Negative Effects of a Lack of Self-Care

  • Low self-esteem
  • Low energy levels
  • Weight gain
  • An increased reliance on caffeine and other addictive substances

How Can I Practice Healthy Self-Care?

It’s important to note that healthy self-care doesn’t involve gorging yourself with loads of comfort foods and TV time. While these things can be OK in moderation, the best way to care for yourself is by building and sticking to daily healthy habits. This means doing things like drinking enough water, getting enough sleep at night and getting an adequate amount of exercise every week.

In addition to these healthy habits, we’ve listed some more healthy ways to practice self-care below.

More Healthy Self-Care Tips

  • Meditate daily. Taking some time to meditate and breathe deeply can slow down your mind and help you feel more in touch with your mind and body, which is much more essential than you might think.
  • Take a break from your phone. Smartphones have lots of conveniences, but too much screen time can be rough on your mental health and can spike anxiety levels.
  • Declutter your living space. Many experts (ourselves included) believe that too much clutter can increase stress levels and leave you feeling suffocated at times.

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood encourages you to take care of yourself this summer! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or general health concerns.