Is It Safe to Get My Flu Shot This Year?

While the CDC always recommends that nearly everyone older than 6 months receive their flu shot each year, with continuing COVID-19 concerns as we move into fall and winter, many people are left wondering if this is still sound advice.

If you have questions about the flu shot, you are in the right place. Your AFC Urgent Care of Greenwood team has assembled everything you need to know about getting your flu shot this year and beyond.

Should I Get My Flu Shot Amidst Coronavirus Concerns?

It is a common inquiry we are getting this year, and the answer is: yes. Especially this year, it is important to get your flu shot.

The flu shot reduces both the likelihood of getting sick and the severity if you do, and because medical teams are already struggling to meet demand, everything we can do to stay healthier is so important to lessen their burden.

Other Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
  • Avoid crowded areas and social distance when in public.
  • Wear a mask and only visit places where others are doing the same.

How Does the Flu Shot Help Me and Others?

The flu shot helps you in two ways. First, you will be less likely to get the flu, even if you are exposed to it. Second, you will be less likely to experience long-lasting, severe symptoms if you do get sick.

For the community, the flu shot helps you from becoming a spreader, which can protect vulnerable populations who can’t get the flu shot and are likely to need medical attention if they do become ill.

Tips to Avoid Making Others Sick

  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
  • Wash your hands any time you touch your face.
  • Stay home if you have any illness symptoms.

Do you still need to get your flu shot? Come see us! Either book an appointment online or swing by the AFC Urgent Care of Greenwood location to get your flu vaccine today.