How Common Is Snoring in Children?

If you walk in on your sleeping child only to hear him or her softly snoring away, it can seem both sweet and also concerning. Snoring isn’t as common in children as it is in adults, but it can still happen! In fact, one in 10 children are reported to have a mild snoring problem.

The sound of snoring is not dangerous, but when snoring itself is paired with other nightly symptoms and daytime struggles, it can indicate a need to investigate the issue further. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood can help you better understand childhood snoring below.

What Makes My Child Snore?

Childhood snoring is similar to adult snoring in that the cause is the same. Excess tissue in the nose and throat vibrate as air works its way out of your throat passages. In children, this could mean that their tonsils and adenoids are enlarged. Other factors like allergies, obesity, asthma and a deviated septum all contribute to mild snoring cases.

Many snoring cases in children don’t require much intervention; however, children can be diagnosed with sleep apnea at a young age. Sleep apnea can stop or disrupt breathing and cause choking issues throughout the night. If your child snores and also suffers from any of these symptoms below, make an appointment to be seen by a medical professional.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Children

  • Snoring loudly most nights
  • Sleeping with his or her mouth open
  • Gasping or choking throughout the night
  • Snoring all night long

Are Some Children More Prone to Snoring?

Yes! Children who are overweight or obese and those who were born prematurely are at a higher risk of snoring and suffering from sleep apnea. Snoring also occurs in children who have certain genetic conditions like Down syndrome, a cleft lip or palate, or a neuromuscular disorder.

If you suspect your child is snoring often, it may be a good idea to make a sleep journal and track sleep patterns for a while to see if you can relate the snoring to any concrete factor like asthma or allergies. If you are unable to, it is important to investigate further to help get your child the safe sleep that he or she deserves.

Steps to Reduce Snoring Symptoms

  • Prop pillows on one side of the bed to encourage side sleeping.
  • Encourage more physical activity.
  • Remove tonsils or adenoids if recommended.

Make your sleep health a priority! If you are concerned with the frequency of your snoring, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Greenwood.