Can Seasonal Allergies Be Cured?

Unfortunately, no. We know this is sad news for those who have a tough bout with seasonal allergies every year, but there’s no known cure for seasonal allergies at this point. In some cases, people grow out of them when they get older, but this isn’t a guarantee.

If you deal with seasonal allergies every year, our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team provides some info you need to know below. Keep reading!

What Actually Causes Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies occur when the immune system encounters something in the air that it perceives as a threat. When it comes in contact with something like pollen or ragweed, it then creates histamines to defend the body, resulting in inflammation or congestion in the nose, throat and chest.

If you experience the symptoms below once a year, you likely have seasonal allergies.

Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

  • Itchy, watery or red eyes
  • Circles under eyes
  • Itchy mouth, nose or throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Drainage from the nose down the back of the throat (postnasal drip)
  • Temporary loss of smell
  • Headache
  • Sneezing

What Can I Do to Reduce My Allergy Symptoms?

Although seasonal allergies can’t be cured, as we stated earlier, there are many things you can do to reduce your symptoms and make whatever season in which you deal with allergy symptoms a better one.

One of the best things you can do is to limit your exposure to triggers. This is obviously much easier said than done, but if you know what triggers your allergies—usually things like tree pollen and ragweed—spending more indoors and showering after being outside to remove pollen or other allergens from the surface of your skin are some of the most helpful tactics.

Additional Ways to Reduce Allergy Symptoms

  • Take an over-the-counter antihistamine or decongestant. Medications will lead to less inflammation and irritation, which can make your daily life much more bearable during allergy season.
  • If you are dealing with lots of congestion, consider rinsing your sinuses with saline solution. This will flush out mucus and allergens from your nose.
  • Keep indoor air clean. You can do this by using a dehumidifier and vacuuming regularly. This will reduce the amount of harmful allergens that make their way inside the home.

Whether you’re struggling with seasonal allergies or need other general care, we can help! Visit our AFC Urgent Care Greenwood team today.